Saturday, March 3, 2012

Contest Station KB1H

KB1H Antenna Farm

160 meters -Inverted Vee @ 120'. 2 beverages (2-wire 580' NE/SW, 450' E/W)

80 meters - Full size, elevated 4-square array utilizing 2" aluminum conduit. Comtek phasing system

 40 meters - Elevated 4-square array.

40 meters - **NEW** 155' Tower for "The Dallas" 40M yagi.

20 meters - 5/4/4 @ 90'/65'/35' with the 5 ele. Telrex rotatable, the Hygain 204-BA's fixed on Europe. Hygain 203-BA @ 50' fixed south.

 15 meters - 5/5/5/4 @ 120'/90'/60'/45' with 4 ele. Mosley CL-154 fixed south. Top 15m yagi is Telrex, others are Hygain 155-CA's.

 10 meters - 5/5/5/5 @ 85'/68'/51'/35' are Hygain 105-CA's with the top 2 rotatable, the 51' on Europe, and the 35' fixed south.

 Multiplier antenna - 4 ele. Mosley TA-53 on barn roof.

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