dedicated to my " Big Brother " N2OO Bob, numero uno QSL Manager
4 NEW Island (RSGB IOTA OC-272, OC-273, OC-275, OC-295 for YB) and rare IOTA .........
6 NEW LightHouse (ARLHS LH IDO-376, IDO-378, IDO-381, IDO-384, IDO-386, IDO-387) and rare LH ..........
2 NEW Flora & Fauna ( YBFF-025, YBFF-016) ........
the one and only who QRV from portable /0,/1,/2,/3,/4,/5,/6,/7,/8,/9, from Sabang till Merauke, .........
the one and only who QRV from SW Moluccas with 3 IOTA and 8 islands, from Lirang till Masela, .........
the one and only who QRV from OC-177 for 9 island, including 3 ybff park and 2 lighthouse, ..........
the one and only who QRV from YB land outer island for 9 island,.........
Nusantara Award Activator for 40 Island
ARLHS LightHouse Activator for 20 Lighthouse
RSGB IOTA 50th Marathon Diamond Activator
RSGB IOTA 50th Marathon 2nd World Plaque Winner
The Longest IOTA DXpedition ever done, YF1AR/8, Moluccas IOTA Tour, Oct, Nov, Dec 2015
DAMN!!!, I love YB-land, the largest archipelago
YF1AR Award and Certificate
Amateur radio operators exchange QSL cards to confirm two-way radio contact between stations. Each card contains details about one or more contacts, the station and its operator. At a minimum, this includes the call sign of both stations participating in the contact, the time and date when it occurred (usually specified in UTC), the radio frequency or Band used, the mode of transmission used, and a signal report.
YF1AR QSL Card, front page
YF1AR QSL Card, rear page