Friday, April 6, 2012

Worked All Zones Award Rules

Worked All Zones Award Rules

Section 1. Introduction
The CQ Worked All Zones Award (WAZ) and its variations are issued to any licensed Radio Amateur Station presenting proof of contact with all 40 CQ Zones.
This proof consists of proper QSL cards; which in many cases may be checked by any of the authorized  check points or sent directly to the WAZ Award Manager. (List of Authorized Check Points is included elsewhere in these rules)

The WAZ Program  is one of the longest running in Ham Radio, having its start prior to WWII.

The WAZ program, while it involves the use of  DX  Entities  , does not rely on any particular  Entity s  status as a country. The WAZ award is geographically focused, which is where it s challenge lies.

WAZ Award correspondence  can be directed to the WAZ Award Manager:
POB 449
WIGGINS MS 39577-0449

Or, can be mailed directly to CQ Magazine at: CQ Communications

25 Newbridge Road
Hicksville, NY

Application Form, Rules and Zone Map are available in .PDF format from the CQ Magazine WAZ Rules web page: www.cq-amateur-

This information is also available from either the WAZ Award Manager or CQ Magazine in hardcopy. Mail your request for WAZ information to either of the addresses shown above. Please include a business size SAE with two units of postage (for US stations) or $2.00 with your request. Foreign stations may supply a return mailing label and 3 IRC s. Please indicate on the back of your envelope  WAZ Info Request  so we can spot your letter easier and reply quickly.

Section 2. General Rules
All QSO s must be made by a licensed Amateur Radio Operator, from a licensed Amateur Radio station, using only modes of emission and transmitter output power as permitted by the local licensing authority.  QSO s with stations other than Radio Amateur (such as MARS, Commercial or Military) are ineligible for the WAZ award.

All QSO s must be conducted within the radio spectrum as authorized  for that licensee by the local licensing authority

Any WAZ applicant found to be operating outside the bounds of their license may be disqualified from the WAZ program. All contacts must be made from within the same DXCC Entity.
QSO s made by the same applicant using previous callsigns from that same DXCC entity are acceptable.  Proof of holding those previous callsigns is requested.

The Official CQ WAZ Zone Map and the printed zone list are used to determine the zone in which a station is located.

If a problem is found with your application or QSL cards, we will attempt to contact you via e-mail to inform you of the issue and attempt to resolve it with you. We REALLY don t want to return your application if we don t have to.

The submission of any WAZ award application acknowledges consent to abide by the decisions of the CQ WAZ Manager and the CQ Awards

Decisions of the CQ DX  Advisory Committee on any matter pertaining to the administration of this award are final.

Section 3. QSO s and QSL s
All QSO s must be two-way with both stations using the same mode of emission. QSL Cards must include:
1.     Callsigns of both stations
2.     Date of QSO
3.     Time of QSO (UTC preferred)
4.    Band or Frequency of QSO
5.     Mode of QSO
6.     The QTH of the station worked (country, state, city). Indication of the CQ zone is optional
QSL Cards not including the information above may be returned to the applicant for replacement, and not credited towards the WAZ award. Ineligible QSOs:
Cross-Band Cross-Mode Aeronautical Mobile Maritime Mobile
Stations located on floating ice
Ships anchored in port

Any altered or forged confirmations submitted by an applicant for WAZ credit may result in permanent disqualification. The WAZ Manager may request the resubmission of certain confirmations. While a QSL card is normally accepted as proof of a contact, the final proof is an entry in the DX station’s logbook for the listed QSO.

The failure to resubmit QSLs in a timely manner when requested by the WAZ Manager may result in the recall of the award in question.

Section 4. WAZ Award Types

Note 1: The process of endorsing a CW/Phone WAZ award has been discontinued.  The old CW/Phone WAZ Award is now renamed MIXED Mode
WAZ. The existing CW/Phone WAZ award numbering sequence will be continued in support of this change.

Note 2: This is a new WAZ award designed to encourage activity and experimentation using any of the digital modes available to amateurs. This list includes, but is not limited to PSK-31, AMTOR, PACTOR, Spread Spectrum. QSL cards must indicate the specific mode used for the QSO. RTTY does not count for this award as it has its own award.  This award will not be endorsed for any specific digital mode. You may elect to use a single digital mode or different digital modes in working toward this new WAZ award.

Note 3: The 160 Meters WAZ Award requires that the applicant submit QSL cards from at least 30 zones. Endorsement stickers are issued at the 35,
36, 37,  38, 39 and 40 zone levels. Applications and Cards for this award must be submitted to the WAZ Award Manager

Note 4: The Satellite and 6 Meter WAZ Award requires that the applicant submit QSL cards from at least 25 zones. Endorsement stickers are issued at the 30, 35, 36, 37,  38, 39 and 40 zone levels.  The Satellite and EME Awards are not band specific, you may apply QSO s from multiple bands. Applications and Cards for this award must be submitted to the WAZ Award Manager

Special Endorsements

WAZ awards (except 5BWAZ and 160 Meter WAZ) may be endorsed for unique situations, such as all QRP or all mobile; provided the QSL cards clearly indicate the situation.

5 Band WAZ

Applicants who succeed in presenting proof of contact with the 40 zones of the world on the 80. 40, 20, 15. and 10 meter bands (for a total of 200) receive a special certificate in recognition of this achievement.

NOTE: A prerequisite for 5 Band WAZ is that the applicant must already be a holder of any 40-zone WAZ.   THE  NUMBER, DATE,  AWARD TYPE MUST BE INDICATED ON THE 5BWAZ APPLICATION

The first plateau  is a total of 150 zones  across any combination  of the 5 bands listed above. A certificate  will be issued with a unique award number, indicating the initial number of zones confirmed.

After reaching the150 zone plateau, each 10 zones requires the submission of QSL cards and the application fee.

Upon reaching 200 zones  confirmed,  the applicant  will be issued a 200 zones  endorsement  sticker to affix to their 5BWAZ certificate  that was previously issued.  No other endorsement stickers are issued.

Upon reaching the 200 zones level, the applicant may wish to purchase an engraved plaque to acknowledge the achievement.

MODES: Mixed Mode ONLY. The 5 Band WAZ Award is not available for any single mode.

QSLs accepted: Contacts must have been made after 0000Z January  1, 1979.


Applicants wishing to submit more than 170  cards may do as follows:
Submit 170  cards to a checkpoint. Once these cards are approved and the application is signed by the Checkpoint, another application can be prepared for the additional cards (as an endorsement). The original application (signed by the checkpoint) must be submitted along with the endorsement application and cards to the WAZ Award Manager.


Application forms: CQ form 1479 or a facsimile shall be used. A separate application form is required for each band.

NOTE: For Multi-band QSL s please include a summary sheet indicating the callsign and bands for each particular card.  This will aid in checking of QSL cards.

Section 5. Applying for the WAZ Award

Application Form
CQ Form 1479 or a facsimile shall be used for all submissions. This form shall include the following:
1. Callsigns used by the applicant, as shown on the QSL cards
2. Name of Applicant
3. Complete Mailing Address of Applicant
4. Date of Application
5. Type of WAZ Award being applied for (mixed, SSB, Single Band)
6. Zone of Contacted Station
7. Callsign of Contacted Station
8. Date of QSO
9. Time of QSO
10. Band or Frequency of QSO
11. Mode of QSO

Submitting the Application Form
Include your e-mail address (if you have one)

Submit only ONE award per application. Each application must be accompanied by the appropriate application fee or it will not be processed. See the
Processing Fee Schedule.

If you are a CQ Subscriber, include the mailing label (or photocopy) of your most recent issue of CQ Magazine with your application.

QSL Credits for use in other WAZ Award Applications
Single Band WAZ awards may be applied for credit on a 5BWAZ application.

Due to the  high level of interest in the WAZ program we are no longer able to offer  Credits of confirmations on future  WAZ applications.

Plaques and Certificates
WAZ Certificates and Plaques are mailed 60-90 days after processing of your application.

Plaques and Certificates are processed from CQ s office in New York, not by the WAZ Award Manager or Check Points. See the Processing Fee Schedule for expedited shipment costs.

Section 6.  Postage  Suggestions

Return Postage
Be sure to include sufficient return postage with your application. Suggestions for mailing from  the USA are provided below:

If insufficient (or no funds) are provided, QSL cards will be returned by the appropriate route. This may mean that QSL cards will be returned via 3rd
class mail or sea mail.

It is up to the applicant to indicate the method of returning their QSL cards.

It is the responsibility of the applicant to pack their QSL cards in such a way that they will not be damaged or lost in the mail. The WAZ Awards Manager is required to pack all returned QSLs in accordance with US Postal and US Customs Regulations.

Certificate Mailing: Your WAZ (5BWAZ) certificate can be AIRMAILED (not overnight ship) for an additional $5.00. Certificates are normally mailed via surface mail.

Section 7.  Processing Fees

Fees shall be paid by the following methods:
1.  U.S. currency
2. Cashiers Check or Money Order (U.S. or Canadian Banks only — US Funds only)
3.  Bank Draft  (U.S. or Canadian Banks only — US Funds only)
4. Personal  Checks (drawn on US Banks only) made out to Floyd Gerald (not to WAZ Awards Manager, or CQ Magazine)
5. IRC s will be accepted at an exchange rate of .50 US per IRC

Processing Fee Schedule

Examples Of Fees:

5BWAZ   The Application is for 176  zones, CQ Magazine Subscriber
$10 for first 150 zones
$6  for the remaining 26
You will be credited for having paid for processing 170  zones

6 Meter WAZ  The Application is for 32 Zones, Not a CQ Magazine Subscriber
Award Fee is $12.00  Endorsement  Sticker for 40 Zones ONLY

5BWAZ  Endorsement  for 190 Zones, 163 previously submitted, Credits for processing of 170  zones, Non CQ Magazine Subscriber
Endorsement  Fee: $10.00  ($5 for 180 Zones, $5 for 190 Zones)

6 Meter WAZ Endorsement  for 36 Zones, 26 previously submitted, Credits for processing of 26 Zones, CQ Magazine Subscriber
Endorsement  Processing  fee: $2
Stickers for 30, 35 and 36 zones: $6

Section 8. WAZ Zone/Country/ Entities List

Zone 1.  Northwestern Zone of North America: KL (Alaska), VY1 Yukon, VE8 the Northwest and VY0 Nunavut Territories west of 102 degrees (includes the islands of Victoria, Banks, Melville, and Prince Patrick).

Zone 2.  Northeastern Zone of North America:  VO2 (Labrador), the portion of VE2 Quebec north of the 50th parallel, and Nunavut Territories east of 102 degrees (includes the islands of King Christian, King William, Prince of Wales, Somerset, Bathurst, Devon, Ellesmere, Baffin and the Melville and Boothia Peninsulas, excluding Akimiski Island, Bear Islands, and East Pen Island in Hudson Bay).

Zone 3. Western Zone of North America: VE7 (British Columbia), W6, and the W7 states of Arizona, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington.

Zone 4. Central Zone of North America: VE3 (Ontario), VE4 (Manitoba), VE5 (Saskatchewan), VE6 (Alberta), VY0 Akimiski Island, and Bear Islands, East Pen Island in
Hudson Bay. The W7 states of Montana and Wyoming, W0, W9, W8 (except West Virginia), W5, and the W4 states of Alabama, Tennessee, and Kentucky.

Zone 5.  Eastern Zone of North America:  4U1UN, CY9 (St. Paul Is.), CY0 (Sable Is.), FP (St. Pierre & Miquelon), VE1 (New Brunswick) and VE9 (Nova Scotia), VY2 (Prince Edward Is.), VO1 (Newfoundland) and the portion of VE2 Quebec south of the 50th parallel. VP9 (Bermuda), W1, W2, W3, and the W4 states of Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, and the W8 state of West Virginia.

Zone 6. Southern Zone of North America: XE (Mexico), XF4 (Revilla Gigedo).

Zone 7.  Central American Zone: FO (Clipperton), HK0 (San Andres Is.), HP (Panama), HR (Honduras), TG (Guatemala), TI (Costa Rica), TI9 (Cocos Is.), V3 (Belize), YN
(Nicaragua), and YS (El Salvador).

Zone 8.  West Indies Zone: C6 (Bahamas), CO (Cuba), FG (Guadeloupe), FM (Martinique), FS (Saint Martin), HH (Haiti), HI (Dominican Republic), J3 (Grenada), J6 (St. Lucia), J7 (Dominica), J8 (St. Vincent), KG4 (Guantanamo Base), KP1 (Navassa Is.), KP2 Virgin Islands), KP4 (Puerto Rico), KP5 (Navassa Is.), PJ (Saba, St. Maarten, St. Eustatius), V2 (Antigua and Barbuda), V4 (St. Kitts and Nevis), VP2E (Anguilla), VP2M (Montserrat), VP2V (British Virgin Is.), VP5 (Turks and Caicos Is.), YV0 (Aves Is.), ZF (Cayman Is.), 6Y (Jamaica), and 8P (Barbados).

Zone 9.  Northern Zone of South America: FY (French Guyana), HK (Colombia), HK0 (Malpelo Is.), P4 (Aruba), PJ (Bonaire, Curacao), PZ (Surinam), YV (Venezuela), 8R
(Guiana), and 9Y (Trinidad and Tobago Is.).

Zone 10. Western Zone of South America: CP (Bolivia), HC (Ecuador), HC8 (Galapagos Is.), and OA (Peru).

Zone 11. Central Zone of South America: PY (Brazil), PY0 (Fernando de Noronha, PY0 (St. Peter and Paul Rocks), and PY0 Trinidad & Martin Vaz, ZP (Paraguay).

Zone 12.  Southwest Zone of  South America: CE (Chile), CE0 (Easter Is.), CE0 (Juan Fernandez Is.), CE0 (San Felix Is.), 3Y (Peter I), and some Antarctic stations (see notes below).

Zone 13. Southeast Zone of South America: CX (Uruguay), LU (Argentina), all VP8 Islands, and some Antarctic stations (see notes below).

Zone 14. Western Zone of Europe: C3 (Andorra), CT (Portugal), CU (Azores Is.), DL (Germany), EA (Spain), EA6 (Balearic Is.), EI (Ireland), F (France), G (England), GD (Isle of Man), GI (Northern Ireland), GJ (Jersey), GM (Scotland), GU (Guernsey), GW (Wales), HB (Switzerland), HB0 (Liechtenstein), LA (Norway), LX (Luxembourg), ON (Belgium), OY (Faroe Is.), OZ (Denmark), PA (Netherlands), SM (Sweden), ZB (Gibraltar), 3A (Monaco), and 4U1ITU (ITU, Geneva).

Zone 15.  Central European Zone: ES (Estonia), HA (Hungary), HV (Vatican), I (Italy), IS0 (Sardinia), LY (Lithuania), OE (Austria), OH (Finland), OH0 (Aland Is.), OJ0 (Market Reef), OK (Czech Rep.), OM (Slovakia), S5 (Slovenia), SP (Poland), T7 (San Marino), T9 (Bosnia & Herzegovina), TK (Corsica), UA2 (Kaliningrad), YL (Latvia), YU (Serbia), YU6 (Montenegro), ZA (Albania), Z3 (Macedonia), 1A0 (SMOM), 9A (Croatia), 9H (Malta), and 4U1VIC (UN Center Geneva).

Zone 16. Eastern Zone of Europe: EW (Belarus), ER (Moldova), R1M (MV Island), UA1, UA3. UA4, UA6, UA9 (S, W), and UR (Ukraine).

Zone 17. Western Zone of Siberia: EX (Kirgizstan), EY (Tajikistan), EZ (Turkmenistan), UA9 (A, C, F, G, J. K, L, M, Q, X), UK (Uzbekistan), and UN (Kazakhstan).

Zone 18. Central Siberian Zone: UA8 (T, V), UA9 (H, O, U, Y, Z), and UA0 (A, B, H, O, S, U, W). Zone 19. Eastern Siberian Zone: UA0 (C, D, F, I, J, K, L, Q, X, Z).
Zone 20.  Balkan Zone: E4 (Palestine), JY (Jordan), LZ (Bulgaria), OD (Lebanon), SV (Greece), SV/A (Mt. Athos), SV5 (Dodecanese), SV9 (Crete), TA (Turkey), YK (Syria),
YO (Romania), ZC4 (UK Sov. Base), 4X (Israel), and 5B (Cyprus).

Zone 21.  Southwestern Zone of Asia: A4 (Oman), A6 (United Arab Emirates), A7 (Qatar), A9 (Bahrain), AP (Pakistan), EK (Armenia), EP (Iran), HZ (Saudi Arabia), YA
(Afghanistan), YI (Iraq), 4J (Azerbaijan), 4L (Georgia), 7O (excluding Socotra Is. and Abd al Kuri Is.), and 9K (Kuwait).

Zone 22. Southern Zone of Asia: A5 (Bhutan), S2 (Bangladesh), VU (India), VU (Lakshadweep Is.), 4S (Sri Lanka), 8Q (Maldives.), and 9N (Nepal).

Zone 23. Central Zone of Asia: JT (Mongolia), UA0Y, BY3G-L (NeiMenggu), BY9G-L (GanSu), BY9M-R (NingXia), BY9S-Z (QingHai), and BY0.

Zone 24.  Eastern Zone of Asia: BV9P (Pratas Is.), BV (Taiwan), BY1, BY2, BY3A-F (TianJin), BY3M-R (HeBei), BY3S-X (ShanXi), BY4, BY5, BY6, BY7, BY8, BY9A-F
(ShaanXi), VR (Hong Kong), and XX (Macau).

Zone 25. Japanese Zone: HL (South Korea), JA (Japan), and P5 (North Korea).
Zone 26.  Southeastern Zone of Asia: E2 (Thailand), VU (Andaman and Nicobar Islands), XV (Vietnam), XU (Cambodia), XW (Laos), XZ (Myanmar), and 1S/9M0 (Spratly

Zone 27.  Philippine Zone: BS7 (Scarborough Reef), DU (Philippines), JD1 (Minami Torishima), JD1 (Ogasawara), T8 (Palau), KH2 (Guam), KH0 (Mariana Is.), V6 (Fed. States of Micronesia).

Zone 28. Indonesian Zone: H4 (Solomon Is.), P2 (Papua New Guinea), V8 (Brunei), YB (Indonesia), 4W (East Timor), 9M (West and East Malaysia), and 9V (Singapore).

Zone 29.  Western Zone of Australia: VK6 (Western Australia), VK8 (Northern Territory), VK9X (Christmas Is.), VK9C (Cocos-Keeling Is.), and some Antarctic stations (see notes below).

Zone 30.  Eastern Zone of Australia: FK/C (Chesterfield Is.), VK1 (Capital Territory), VK2 (New South Wales), VK3 (Victoria) and VK4 (Queensland), VK5 (South Australia),
VK7 (Tasmania), VK9L (Lord Howe Is.), VK9M (Mellish Reef), VK9 (Willis Is.), VK0M (Macquarie Is.), and some Antarctic stations (see notes below).

Zone 31.  Central Pacific Zone: C2 (Nauru), FO (Marquesas), KH1 (Baker & Howland Is.), KH3 (Johnson Is.), KH4 (Midway Is.), KH5K (Kingman Reef), KH5 (Palmyra & Jarvis), KH6 (Hawaii), KH7K (Kure), KH9 (Wake Is), T2 (Tuvalu), T30 (Western Kiribati), T31 (Central Kiribati), and T32 (Eastern Kiribati), T33 (Bananba Is), V7 (Marshall Is.), and ZK3 (Tokelau).

Zone 32. New Zealand Zone: A3 (Tonga), E5 (North and South Cook Is.), FK (New Caledonia but NOT Chesterfield Is.), FO (French Polynesia and Austral Is. but NOT Marquesas and Clipperton), FW (Wallis Is.), H40 (Temotu), KH8 (American Samoa), KH8S (Swains Isl.), VK9N (Norfolk Is.), VP6 (Pitcairn and Ducie), YJ (Vanuatu), ZK2 (Niue Is.), ZL (New Zealand), ZL7 (Chatham Is.), ZL8 (Kermadec Is.), ZL9 (Auckland and Campbell Is.), 3D2 (Fiji, Rotuma, and Conway Reef), 5W (Western Samoa), and some Antarctic stations (see notes below).

Zone 33. Northwestern Zone of Africa: CN (Morocco), CT3 (Madeira Is), EA8 (Canary Is.), EA9 (Ceuta and/or Melilla), IG9 (Pelagic Is.), IH9 & IG9 (Pantelleria Is. or Pelagic
Islands), S0 (Western Sahara), 3V (Tunisia), and 7X (Algeria).

Zone 34. Northeastern Zone of Africa: ST (Sudan), SU (Egypt), and 5A (Libya).

Zone 35.  Central Zone of Africa: C5 (The Gambia), D4 (Cape Verde Is.), EL (Liberia), J5 (Guinea Bissau), TU (Cote d’Ivoire), TY (Benin), TZ (Mali), XT (Burkina Faso), 3X
(Guinea), 5N (Nigeria), 5T (Mauritania), 5U (Niger), 5V (Togo), 6W (Senegal), 9G (Ghana), and 9L (Sierra Leone).

Zone 36. Equatorial Zone of Africa: D2 (Angola), S9 (Sao Tome & Principe), TJ (Cameroon), TL (Central African Rep.), TN (Congo), TR (Gabon), TT (Chad), ZD7 (St. Helena
Is.), ZD8 (Ascension Is.), 3C (Equatorial Guinea), 3C0 (Annobon Is.), 9J (Zambia), 9Q (Democratic Rep. of Congo), 9U (Burundi), and 9X (Rwanda).

Zone 37.  Eastern Zone of Africa: C9 (Mozambique), ET (Ethiopia), E3 (Eritrea), J2 (Djibouti), T5 (Somalia), 5H (Tanzania), 5X (Uganda), 5Z (Kenya), 7O (Socotra and Abd al
Kuri islands ONLY), and 7Q (Malawi).

Zone 38.  South African Zone: A2 (Botswana), V5 (Namibia), ZD9 (Tristan da Cunha & Gough Is.), Z2 (Zimbabwe), ZS (South Africa) and ZS8 (Marion Is), 3DA (Swaziland),
3Y (Bouvet Is.), 7P (Lesotho), and some Antarctic stations (see notes below).

Zone 39.  Madagascar Zone: D6 (Comoros), FH (Mayotte), FR (Reunion, Glorioso, Juan de Nova, and Tromelin), FT-W (Crozet Is.), FT-X (Kerguelen Is.), FT-Z (Amsterdam & St. Paul Is.), S7 (Seychelles), VK0 (Heard Is.), VQ9 (Chagos), 3B6/7 (Agalega & St.Brandon Is.), 3B8 (Mauritius Is.), 3B9 (Rodriguez Is.), 5R (Madagascar), and some Antarctic stations (see notes below).

Zone 40. North Atlantic Zone: JW (Svalbard), JX (Jan Mayen), OX (Greenland), R1FJ (Franz Josef Land), and TF (Iceland).

Antarctic Notes:

The boundaries of CQ zones 12, 13, 29, 30, 32, 38, and 39 converge at the South Pole.
Stations KC4AAA and KC4USN are at the South Pole and will count for any one of the listed zones. Most Antarctic stations indicate their zone on the QSL card.
Some callsigns and their zones: VK0GM 29, VP8ME 38, YB8ANT 38, and ZL5AA 30. The list changes frequently. Questions regarding the zone of a particular Antarctic station should be directed to the WAZ Manager, N5FG.

Section 9. List of CQ Awards Checkpoints
These appointed CQ checkpoints can verify your QSL cards and sign the application for all CQ Awards except 160
Meter WAZ. Digital WAZ, 6 Meter, Satellite, EME, 5BWAZ endorsements and new 5BWAZ applications with 170 or more zones. Please contact the checkpoint before mailing QSLs. All approved applications should be sent to the appropriate ward manager with the award fee.
For WAZ Awards: N5FG, Floyd Gerald, POB 449, Wiggins, MS 39577-0449 USA

See next page for checkpoints


These appointed CQ checkpoints can verify your QSL cards and sign the application for all CQ Awards except 160 Meter WAZ, Digital WAZ, 6 Meter, Satellite, EME, 5BWAZ endorsements and new 5BWAZ applications with 170 or more zones. Please con- tact the checkpoint before mailing QSLs. All approved applications should be sent to the appropriate award manager with the award fee.

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